Race Registration Made Easy
We make it easy for you to manage both onlineAND in-person registration for your race.
Plus we're 100% free to races.
Let's Make Your Race Easy & Successful!

Easily Manage Registrations
We created an aesthetic and intuitive admin area for you to easily manage online and offline registrations.Read more

Easily for Participants
Using feedback from actual participantswe designed our registration to be easy & intuitive. Participants love what we've done!
Hear what they're saying

Lowest Processing Fees
We have some of the lowest processing fees in the industry. We only charge participants a small fee for registrations. You owe nothing!Compare our fees

Customized Registration
Pages are customized with your logo and event details. We also offer custom registration fee structures.See more details

Downloadable Registration Lists
Downloading a registration list is simple and exports to Excel. We also work with you & your timing company to provide lists at no extra cost.View sample

Receive Payments Fast
We send out payments twice a month as long as you reach a minimum of $100. We can send you payments via direct deposit or check.See payment schedule

Facebook & Twitter Integration
Registration can be auto-filled via a social media account. Also, intelligently our site encourages participants to promote your race via social media.
Create Discounts & Coupons
Easily create discounts and coupons for anyone. Discounts can be a percentage (%) or a specific amount ($) off. You can also set which race distance discounts apply to.
Promote Your Race
We help promote your race through social media, ads on partner networks and listing you on affiliated race directory websites. All this at no extra cost.
Fast & Friendly Support
We make it a point to promptly answer all support requests in < 24 hours. Participants & race organizers have both praised us for fast and friendly support.
Secure Transactions
We provide safe & secure encryption of all transactions. Plus we're PCI compliant - meaning we follow all Payment Card Industry (PCI) security requirements for online transactions.
No Spam or Ads
We don't spam, sell emails or place ads on registration pages, EVER! We believe ads and spam not only degrade the user's experience but don't align with our company purpose.Get started... make your registration easy! Setup Your Race
Easily Manage Registrations
With our aesthetic and intuitive admin area you'll have a secure login to everything you need to easily manage registrations all at your fingertips.
Some of those features include:
1. View registrations
3. Search registrations 5. Edit registration details 7. Change a participant's race 9. Process deferrals 11. Manually add registrations 13. Add administrative users 15. Paperless offline registration |
2. Resend & view receipt
4. Cancel a registration 6. Email a participant 8. Download registration list 10. Create discounts 12. Create complimentary entries 14. View editing history 16. And more... |

Lowest Processing Fees
We strive to have some of the lowest processing fees in the industry. While other companies seek to rake in a hefty fee from participants, we work to keep our fees at a minimum.As a race organizer you owe nothing! We charge participants a small fee for successful registrations.
And unlike other companies we don't charge for customization nor do we charge any extra fees for large races.

Downloadable Registration Lists
Registrations can be downloaded as an Excel CSV file. Lists can be downloaded on registrations for a specific race making it easy to view registrations. Each list contains full details for each registration including registration fees, income, date of registration, name, address, email, phone number and other details. Can be customized for free!Download sample list
What Participants Are Saying...
"...More race organizers need to take
a cue from you guys!"

"I really like the excitement and buzz that RacerSignUp.com builds..."

Receive Payments Fast
We send out payments twice a month - every 1st and 15th of the month. Each payment includes all registration fees collected up to 10 days prior to the payment release date. The 10 day buffer is needed for safety, ensuring credit card payments clear and are not fraudulent.Example on the left shows the dates registration fees are collected on for the next payment release date.

Customized Registration
To customize your registration pages we add your logo, event name and location, as well as custom registration questions. Additionally we offer custom registration fee types - some of which no other registration company offers. Your event registration fee schedule can be set up based on any of the following.Custom Fee Structures:
- Flat fee
- Based on date of registration (ex: May 16th fees increase)
- Fee determined by what number in line you are to register
- And more...
Need a custom fee structure not listed?
Let us know and we may be able to create it for you.