Want to make your race registration easy?

Why suffer each year with managing your race registration when you can use our system to make it effortless. We make it easy for you to manage both online AND in-person registration for your race.
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Easily Manage Registrations

We created an aesthetic and intuitive admin area for you to easily manage online and offline registrations.
manage registrations

Customized Registration Pages

Pages are customized with your logo, event details and we offer custom registration fee structures.
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Lowest Processing Fees

We are free to races & only charge participants a small fee for registration (lower than Active.com).

Who We Are

Racer SignUp is a race registration company dedicated to making registration easy for both participants and race organizers.

We started our company from the frustrations we had with using other registration platforms. We knew something could be done to make registration easier, safer, more ethical and fun!

Our registration platform is made by runners for runners.

Races That Love Us

Best Damn Race Say No To Drugs Running For All Children Firestone Grand Prix 5K Courage To Tri